Social Media Essay: the Best Ideas for a Killer Paper
According to our expert writers, the task of writing a social media essay is becoming more and more popular among instructors and professors. There is a simple explanation to it. Nowadays, almost every person has a Facebook or Instagram account. Thus, there is much to say in a paper about these interactive technologies. Today, people can freely communicate their ideas to the entire world. We entertain ourselves by reading the posts of others and looking through the pictures made by our friends, close relatives, and even strangers. Businesses actively use these platforms to advertise their services and goods. This phenomenon has even given birth to a bunch of new professions (such as SM coordinator). Thus, with the introduction of social platforms, scientists from fields of science such as psychology, sociology, and marketing have received an opportunity to advance their studies. Numerous discoveries have been made and interesting debates have appeared.
Thus, it is crystal clear that there is much to say in a social media essay. Still, this should be an academic paper that is properly structured and formatted. In case you have no time to take care of all the peculiarities of writing such essays, turn to our reliable custom writing agency for help. We offer individually written papers and never divulge clients’ personal information. For those who want to do everything on their own, our writers have gathered valuable info about the types of social media essays, their main sections, and the list of topics to choose from. Keep reading the article!
Types of Essays on Social Networking Sites
Now is the perfect time to write an essay about this type of media. The first thing to do is to choose a topic you like. Well, you have a topic of course – social media – but it is too broad and you have to narrow it down. Your choice may play a decisive role in the success of your future essay, so be careful at this point. Thus, our custom writers recommend checking out some topics suggested by media and communication sociology experts.
There are many things to consider when selecting a topic. For example, which essay type your work will belong to. Knowing the type of your essay will help you narrow down the choice. Moreover, the essay type determines the writing style. The most common essay types are:
- Argumentative essays. The hallmark of this essay type is the presence of a well-defined argument. To some extent, this type of writing is similar to a debate because you will have to pick a side and find the best arguments you can to support your point of view. Of course, in academic writing, the evidence that supports your position should come from reliable sources, such as peer-reviewed and scholarly publications. Some ideas for easy argumentative essay topics would be:
- Are SM platforms harmful or helpful for us?
- Social media and teenage users: a problem or solution?
- Should we forbid social media?
- Persuasive essays. Similar to argumentative essays, persuasive essays require you to take a stance but while crafting your work, you will also have to persuade the audience that you are right. In order to do this, you will have to present your points logically. Obviously, the ideas have to be worthy and demonstrate your critical thinking. Here are some ideas of persuasive essay topics:
- What are the downsides of popular sites?
- Inevitable impacts of SM
- The most likely consequences of uncontrolled SM usage
- The positive effects of social media
- The pros and cons of using SM
- Satire essays. A satirical essay on this topic would be defined by a particularly critical approach to writing and would include elements of sarcasm. To achieve this effect, writers use such literary techniques as hyperbole and irony. However, satirical essays are not the easiest type because they call for strong creativity and a good sense of humor. If you would like to try yourself in this genre, consider the following essay topics:
- Addiction to SM websites
- Social media and isolation
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A Practical Guide to Social Media Essay Writing
Just like with other essay types, the first thing you should consider when writing an essay on social media is the structure. Correct essay structure will allow you to create a powerful essay on the topic you prefer. The structure is important because it makes your discussion organized and cohesive, so irrespective of your purpose and the essay type, make sure your paper has the following elements:
- Introduction. A successful introduction would be a paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention and piques their interest so that they want to continue reading. At the same time, a good introduction has to place your topic in context and offer the reader enough background information to understand the discussion that follows.
- Main body. Paragraphs that go after the introduction constitute the main body of your essay. A typical essay has 3 to 4 paragraphs. Remember that the writing style depends on the essay type that you chose. For instance, if you are working on a persuasive essay, facts should prevail in your paper. On the contrary, a satirical essay would appeal to the reader’s emotions, so the language would be figurative and you would have to include pathos. Regardless of the essay type, the body paragraphs of your essay have to be characterized by continuity. This means that you have to maintain the flow of the discussion and keep the readers interested from the first paragraph till the last one.
- Conclusion. Even though this paragraph is the last one, it is also very important. The essay type influences the conclusion, as well, but in any case, this paragraph has to restate your main points. The conclusion has to be neither too detailed nor too brief. As you write this section, refer to your thesis statement and think about whether you have proven the point this sentence makes. Restating the thesis statement in the concluding paragraph is also a good idea because it is an easy way to wrap up the discussion. In some cases, you can also include a call for action, and make your paper stronger this way.

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Strategies to Help You Choose Good Social Media Essay Topics
Why does the choice of the topic have such a strong impact on your paper? The truth is that some topics, even though they might be interesting, do not offer you much material to work with. For example, if you pick a fresh and controversial topic, you might realize that there is not enough research to support your assumption, so you cannot make your discussion credible. If you do not know which topic to choose, consider the ideas below:
- Describe how social media helps to destroy racial stereotypes.
- Should social media be used as a platform to speak out?
- SM platforms contribute to the development of mental disorders.
- Commercialization of female images on social media.
- Female body desexualization in SM advertising.
- The impact of SM platforms on the behavior of students.
- Social media vs. real-life communication: are they really fully interchangeable?
- Is becoming a blogger a good way of self-realization?
- Discuss the top-5 ways to increase the budget via SM platforms.
- Can people protect themselves from fraud on social networks?
- The undeniable signs of SM addiction.
- Discuss the strategies for parents to protect their kids from SM addiction.
- The educational potential of social platforms: which skills it helps to develop and what knowledge do the users gain?
- What is the ‘healthy’ amount of time to spend on SM sites?
- Do likes really mean something?
- The history of social media: how we got from the first platforms to Instagram.
- The causes of aggression among active SM users.
- What is the root cause of cyberbullying?
- Would banning photoshopped images mean limiting people’s freedom?
- What would an ideal SM platform for modern-day kids look like?
- What would SM networks look like 20 years from now?
- How can we prevent terrorists from recruiting new members via SM platforms?
- What are the three main factors making SM marketing so efficient and effective?
- Discuss how the internet community shapes beauty standards.
- How to depoliticize social media?
- Explain how information overload affects human health.
- SM is/isn’t the source of inspiration.
- Do people who meet online have higher chances of building a strong family?
- Is it ethical to check the social profiles of your future employees?
- How old should children be to be allowed to use SM platforms?
- Common characteristics of famous SM bloggers.
- Five good ways in which students can use social sites to enhance their academic performance.
- Three categories of information to be banned on SM platforms.
- Can social media help save lives?
- Discuss the pros and cons of using social websites for charity.
- Do SM websites really make people closer to their icons?
- How is our communication in the office shaped by social media?
- Why are social platforms a good place to promote your products and services?
- Why should cyber police be more attentive to the activity on SM?
- The most effective approaches to influencing people using SM websites.
- Will new SM laws help control it?
- How are these platforms used for propaganda for political purposes?
- What are the main things to pay attention to while monitoring the SM activity of your children?
- Discuss the features of social accounts with potential danger.
- Why do people create fake Facebook identities?
- Why do SM sites prove to be addictive?
- Who is most likely to become addicted to SM usage?
- What would you miss the most about SM sites if they suddenly disappeared?
- Do online SM platforms help solve important social problems?
- Which social problems do modern platforms create?
- Can these platforms help treat depression?
- Describe the defining features of the culture of the Internet community.
- How do people use SM to plan crimes?
- Top-three characteristics of a potentially popular SM post.
- What makes social platforms helpful for planning crimes?
- Female body trends: how girls change themselves to look good on Instagram.
- What professions have emerged with the advent of social media?
- Not boring anymore: how social media is used to popularize science.
- Should teachers hide their accounts from students?
- Should bloggers inform their subscribers when they use filters?
- Should users be blocked when they post fake news?
- How do people become world-famous via Instagram?
- Why do people like watching live shows of others?
- Discuss the tools that will help you find and reach your perfect target audience.
- Do social sites unite people?
- Describe how startups can use Facebook and Instagram to promote their ideas and find investors.
- Can we fully eliminate cyberbullying?
- Should we trust bloggers who recommend buying something?
- What was the first account on Instagram that you followed and why?
- SM platforms make distance learning more effective: true or false?
- Social media helps activists raise awareness about socio-cultural issues.
- SM delivers instant news and helps solve serious issues immediately.
- Social media networking promotes global peace.
- Peer pressure and addiction on Facebook and Instagram.
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Everyone knows that writing a strong social media essay is a time-consuming task that requires a lot of effort and dedication. But you should also know that it is normal for people to experience writer’s block. If you find yourself in a situation like this, do not hesitate to turn to professionals and ask for assistance. Our trustworthy and affordable essay service can help you!
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Well-written examples not only help you understand the nuances of essay writing but also serve as a great source of inspiration, so do not be shy to order a paper written by our skilled expert. Our writers can help you reduce your academic stress and cope with the writing challenges more effectively. Use the top-quality services to submit an impeccable paper that will help you achieve your goals!

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