How to Write a Grant Proposal? Efficient Tips That Will Help You Succeed
If you are dreaming of getting a grant in order to implement an amazing project that would benefit your community, you should get ready for a competition. Although there are many organizations offering grant assistance, such as private organizations or governmental agencies, the people or companies applying for these grants are much more numerous. In order to achieve success, you need to create an impeccable grant proposal paper that will include all the necessary parts convincing your target audience that your project deserves funding.
Creating a grant proposal of premium quality has never been easy. Indeed, such a process requires advanced writing skills, motivation, passion, enthusiasm, and dedication. The managers working at the organization that funds various projects and startups see numerous grant proposals. Definitely, they won`t react to a poorly written grant proposal paper even if the project is really worth attention. So, how to create an amazing grant proposal that will help you reach your goals? In our guide, we are going to provide you with several helpful tips that were approved by the chief grant proposal officers. Following our efficient suggestions, you will be able to produce a winning proposal that will definitely bring you the grant.
Here are the basic tips on how to write a grant proposal:
Each grant proposal consists of several important parts that are mentioned below. Organizing these parts in the right order is the necessary requirement for creating a grant proposal paper.
Title Page
It is necessary to start writing your grant proposal with an informative title page. Most grant organizations provide their own sample of the title page or ask the applicant to limit it to only one page. Nevertheless, the title page is an extremely important element of a grant proposal, a kind of business card that contains all the information necessary for the grantor: the title of the project, the name of its author, place where the project will be implemented, time, and cost.
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Executive Summary
Next, you need to summarize your project to familiarize your reader with its nature. A project summary follows the title page and provides a short annotation of the project’s main points. As a rule, most granters read this summary and if it makes a good impression on them, move on to the further study of the project application. Given the importance of this part, it is advisable to make the summary as clear, specific, and expressive as possible. In fact, the summary serves to convince the grantor of the importance and attractiveness of your project. It is in this section that you can briefly present the project and encourage the grantor to prefer it. From the above, you should keep in mind that the experts need to understand exactly what you want. Usually, the summary contains one or two sentences about the sending agency and its author, problems that need to be solved, the project implementation time and the place in which it will be implemented, goals and objectives of the project, project implementation methods and resources, the cost of the project, etc. Specialists recommend that the summary should be prepared as soon as all other sections of the project application are written because it will allow you to characterize your project as clearly as possible.
The introductory section of the grant proposal project should provide information about the grant applicant institution. As a rule, grantors fund the project based not only on its quality and importance but also on the applicant’s reputation. Therefore, in the introduction, the grantee should justify the reliability of their agency and explain why this project deserves support. As for the length of your introduction, it should vary from 0.5 to 2 pages. It should be noted that the introductory section of your grant proposal paper is paid not less attention than the project budget or any other part. Therefore, it must be written in such a way that the grantor does not have any doubts about the ability of the grantee to manage the funds properly.
Need Statement
The following section, the problem-solving part or the need statement, should clearly identify the problem your project intends to solve getting a grant. Try to put yourself in the place of the grantor. They reasonably opine that the project must meet a specific need in a particular area. Asking for money, you should find the sound arguments to justify your request. Therefore, in composing this section, you should indicate the reasons that prompted you to develop the project, as well as the problems that need to be addressed through its implementation.
Goals and Objectives
Pay attention that the logical construction of the grant proposal paper is a significant aspect of a properly prepared project. Therefore, the need statement should logically relate to the project purpose section. In particular, the main purpose of the project is a general declaration of what is to be done, the objectives of the project, and the expected outcome.
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The project implementation methods section describes the types of activities or activities that need to be undertaken in order to obtain the desired results through grant funding. It should clarify two main points: a strategy for achieving the desired results and an explanation of the choice of this strategy. Thus, this section justifies the choice of methods for the project implementation, explains what should be done and who is responsible for that, indicates deadlines, as well as tells what resources will be used. As you can see, this section should be particularly detailed and informative. At the same time, your approach to solving the problem must look attractive to the grantor.
Project Implementation Plan
A project implementation plan in the next part of your grant proposal. The correctness of planning, as well as proper timing, is an indicator of the quality of the project. This is usually called a schedule of activities. The main stages of its preparation are as follows:
- determining the list of basic actions;
- identification of individual tasks as components of the main actions;
- determining the sequence and interdependence of actions and tasks;
- assessing the start, duration, and completion of each action and task;
- determining the progress of the project or the stages by which a preliminary assessment of implementation can be carried out;
- definition of professional experience necessary for carrying out events and tasks;
- distribution of tasks among project participants.
Finally, you need to include the budget section, which is extremely important to the project. First of all, attention is paid to the following: total project cost, requested funds, the contribution of the organization itself to the costs of its implementation, attracted funds from other sponsors, etc. pay attention that your budget part should be maximally reasonable. Asking for more money than your project costs, you will probably fail your application.

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How to Write a Grant Proposal? Additional Tips
- Find good examples of grant proposals on the web. If you are writing your grant proposal paper for the first time, it is always better to find some samples that will provide you with a general understanding of how such a project should look like. Having a well-written example, you will not only learn some important aspects of the paper`s structure but you will also find out how to find the arguments to convince the grantor that your project is better than others;
- Take enough time to write your proposal. It is hard to underestimate the importance of the grant proposal paper since such a project may help you reach all your career goals and fulfill your aspirations. Therefore, this project should be taken maximally seriously. Leaving it on the last day is a very bad idea because you won`t have enough time on its writing. Moreover, you won`t be able to revise it properly;
- Be realistic and clear. Pay attention that everything you write in your grant proposal should be true. Introducing fake facts into your grant proposal just in order to make a good impression on the grantor is a wrong strategy. Pay attention that all the information you introduce in your grant proposal can easily be checked;
- Follow the directions carefully. Probably, you have the instructions introduced by the grantor. Overlooking even a small part of these requirements, you will not be able to achieve the anticipated result;
- Get some help from your friend. Once the rough draft of your grant proposal is ready, you may ask some of your friends to read it and provide their feedback. Having an objective opinion about your grant, you will definitely know what to change in it to improve its quality;
- Revise your grant proposal thoroughly. Undoubtedly, your grant proposal will be evaluated mainly for its content. However, you should understand that typos and grammatical mistakes will show your carelessness, which is not good. You need to respect your reader to maintain a good reputation.
Finally, we assure you that writing a grant proposal can be a rather interesting activity that will develop your problem-solving and analytical skills. So, start preparation early and create a winning grant proposal that will help you achieve your goals. Good luck!