The History of Terrorist Attacks in the United States of America

Terrorism in the United States is a systematic or threatening use of violence to intimidate the people and government to influence political, ideological and religious change. Terrorism is a problem that is not limited to the 21st century. However, the percentage of Americans who consider terror as the biggest problem has fallen. Nevertheless, terrorism is rapidly growing over people. The attacks such as fire attack and bombing are the best methods for terrorists around the world. Such attacks cause enormous destruction. Despite the fact that there are many ideological goals, attacks on private citizens and property are the most common forms of terrorist attacks. They are simpler because of less security and create fears in a wide range. This leads to cautious changes that terrorists seek to achieve. Most offenders were not formally associated with terrorist organizations. Many of them were motivated by Islamic ideology and opposed the military intervention of the United States. A significant number of attacks were committed against military transport or patrolling. Over time, the terrorists changed weapons used in the defense industries. Initially, it was progressive to use explosive propellants and inflammatory means. Later, firearms were actively used. These variables were exploited to achieve all types of goals in the United States. Terrorist acts are dangerous because they can threaten people in any area of their lives as it was shown in The Arlington Road as it was based on the real facts.

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Terrorist attacks in the United States of America are a common occurrence and often leads to death. For instance, Between 1970 and 2015, 2,723 terrorist attacks took place in the United States, causing a total of 3,570 deaths. Most of them were aimed at critical infrastructure. Other attacks had different target types, including attacks on individuals and property, educational institutions, attacks involving religious beliefs as well as threats to the media. Despite their type, terrorist aggressions are unsafe. The effect of terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure is destructive; however, mortality also reflects the assault on the United States as a whole. Most of the terrorist onsets in America were deadly, except in some cases. It is known, 89 percent of all deaths due to terrorist attacks in the United States during this time period were caused by the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. This figure shows the seriousness of the consequences of the attacks. There are several reasons why the attack did not lead to death. First, it might be an unsuccessful attempt. Secondly, it could have been disturbed by other people. Additionally, a non-lethal attack may be the cause of a particular target, including the desire for property damage, not murder. Based on this, methods and means used in attacks can be differentiated.

Among the terrorist attacks that were aimed at critical infrastructure, some industries suffered big losses, others were smaller. For instance, more than two thirds (68%) of all attacks in the United States targeted the commercial facilities (22%), government facilities (21%), healthcare and public health (14%), and financial services (11%) sectors. These figures are bigger than those of non-critical infrastructure.

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The largest number of attacks is on the sector of commercial objects. They are classified as targeting transport systems and defense industrial facilities. The incidents of such attacks are annual. The vast majority of onsets on commercial objects were non-lethal; however, many people were injured. In addition, most of the commercial attacks have resulted in property damage. Almost all institutions are classified as businesses, including shops, factories, entertainers, sports as well as cultural sites, and a smaller proportion of hotels. The objects were affected differently. The Financial Services Sector of the United States of America was targeted at banks and trucks as well as the bombardment of office buildings. Some of the terrorist attacks included hostage-taking. Most bank robbers attacked the search for an ideological target and relied on explosions. Moreover, the offenders of the terrorist attacks on the defense industry were motivated by the attitude to the Vietnam War. Their number declined over the years. During the active period of attacks, criminals were divided into left-wing militants and student radicals. Only the small amount of attacks was carried out by official organizations.

In most cases, the organizers of the offenses have been revealed. Among them, most of the attacks were committed by the Front for the Liberation of the Land and the Animal Liberation Front. Other groups represented different ideological influences and advocated different ideas. These data allow summing up cases and drawing conclusions.

Terrorist attacks involving state institutions in America also took place almost every year. They created a lot of deaths and hundreds of injuries. Like previous attacks, these were also largely non-lethal. Terrorist targets were government buildings and offices. To a lesser extent, they were carried out at embassies and consulates. In addition, a small percentage of the acts were directed to state entities of the court system and political parties. Various buildings suffered the attacks of terrorists.

Attacks on state facilities mostly involved bombing. Moreover, attacks on the public sector have often centered to the people. The film The Arlington Road is the example of a terrorist attack by using a bomb. The storyline of the film can be linked to the real events of the United States in the 1990’s. Based on the history of the USA, there was a terrorist attack in Oklahoma City in the years describing in the movie. Without witnessing a true terrorist act, the film takes the viewer at that time by telling the events of that period and going deep into the details of what was happening. Having reviewed the film and learned the history of the terrorist attacks in America, it can be argued that the Arlington Road has a high degree of credibility.

The perpetrators of terrorist attacks were independent individuals with different ideological ideas. These criminals were different. Among the most prominent terrorists were left-wing militants responsible for the largest number of terrorist attacks. Other common criminals were independent individuals who were not associated with a formal organization but acted in search of ideological goals. This category includes bombing. The same facts are revealed in the film of the American Cinematography. The man who committed a terrorist act was not a controller of the bounty or a criminal person; however, he committed a crime because of his own views. The main hero, Oliver, bombing up the administrative institution was guided by the desire for revenge, because he believed that the ruling circles were guilty of the death of his father and the heavy life of their family. Wishing to assign the land of father Oliver’s power, the government blocked the water that was used for the household. To get insurance, his father ended up his life suicidal. However, this did not save the family from losing the house. It was these events that served as the reason for latest terrorist attack. In the reality, the perpetrators of the crime combine dissatisfaction with the government and the wrong actions that took place a few years earlier. The person guilty of the terrorist attack wanted to take revenge to the USA power for their action and this information highlighted in the movie.

Additionally, the description of the terrorist himself is very truthful. In fact, Timothy MacWay served in the army. This is stated in the film while searching for the perpetrators. Michael’s lecture on the terrorist attack in St. Louis suggests that the terrorist was an electrician, but served in the army as evidenced by real events. Moreover, it is said that he served in a detachment of fugitives, and therefore knew how to properly blow up. Furthermore, his positive characteristics are given, because, in real life, MacWay was not seen in similar actions.

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The film also tells about another crime, namely the events at Ruby Ridge in 1992. In the film, the author notes the death of his wife at that time. From the shots his son was also killed The film shows that the head of the family was not at home. It turned out that he was a collector of weapons, and all the guns acquired completely legally. It is tells a day before the tragedy, he warned the family that gangsters could come to them to steal his collection. The boy took agents for bandits. No one had any relation to terrorism. But as a result of the operation, three people died. And the blame turned out to be a raised dossier, and data that the FBI misinterpreted.

The case described, positioned as allegedly based on real events that occurred on August 21-31, 1992 in the north of Idaho, in the suburb of Ruby Ridge, significantly distorts them for propaganda purposes. The film depicts an absolutely innocent family, which was threatened by robbers. In reality, Ruby Ridge stormed a reinforced den of religious anti-Semitic fanatics who were preparing to overthrow the US government, called the ZOG UI (Zionist occupation government), on instructions from the “Visions” and “Voices” from “God Himself.” However, the credibility lies with the victims, because in fact, the tellers wife and his 14-year-old son were killed. The standoff at Ruby Ridge claimed the lives of a federal agent, a 14-year-old boy, and a mother with a baby in her arms. This information is a historical fact that is why it supported the above information.

True is the description of the building. The film tells about the building of kindergarten and victims there as a result of a blast. Based on the real facts, McVeigh, who lived in Kingman, Arizona, was considering targets in the states of Missouri, Texas, Arkansas and Arizona. In his autobiography, he pointed out that he wanted to minimize losses among people not connected with the government. For example, he refused to blow up a 40-story government building in Little Rock, Arkansas because of the presence of a flower shop on the ground floor in the building. However, the prosecutor of the terrorist said, he examined the building in Oklahoma City and did not notice that there was also a kindergarten, a social security office and, a credit union. The police assistant recalled, We starting moving bricks and rocks and we found two babies that medics gently wrapped the severity burned, barely living infants in white gauze. This information support the reality of the story revealed in the film.

Attacks on transport systems are observed among terrorist acts. Some of these attacks had a lethal effect. In most cases, they were successful, including armed assault, facility infrastructure, hijacking, and bombing. Attacks on transport purposes were accompanied by bombing that had the most failures. Armed attacks are aimed at people and the property associated with the vehicles was successful, which means the loss of human life or material damage. The specific objectives of these attacks were seagoing ships, airports, flyovers, and other airline companies’ property. The film also had the connection to this issue as the bombing of the administrative building caused the damages of many cars. The real facts highlighted the crash of many cars because of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Bombing.

However, the film has a significant difference with real events. Oliver knew that Michael tricked into their house and searched his office, after he was his guest, drinking his wine and eating his bread. He demands that Michael put all his questions and suspicions in his face, and not conduct secret investigations behind him. Then Michael, as if justifying himself, asks why he changed his name and lied about himself. Oliver explains that he wanted to forget his past so that the mistake he committed in his youth did not pursue him all his life. That the deceased Oliver Lang was his best friend, and his name was taken in his honor. However, in the reality, the terrorist was sentenced to death after the building bombing. The author of the book American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh and the Oklahoma City Bombing said, Nearly six years later after McVeigh had been convicted, sentenced to death, and told us his story from the federal prison systems Death Row our book. This information revealed the difference between the real history and story in the film.

The nature of the terrorist attacks in the health sector was significantly different from the general trend. Almost all terrorist attacks in the health sector were not deadly. Unlike other sectors, health assaults have centered on a single model of targeted abortion and staffing. Generally, at least 95 percent of all attacks on the healthcare and public health sector in the United States between 1970 and 2015. The rest of the attacks were directed to clinics and laboratories.

Most cases of attacks on the health sector were conducted by activists of abortions and individuals motivated by anti-abortion ideology. Many terrorists used inflammatory weapons and burned up their attacks such as gasoline and alcohol. In addition, there were cases where firearms and other types of weapons were used, including sharp and dumb objects and vehicles.

The film also tells about another terrorist. The film says about his death. In addition, the perpetrator of the terrorist attack is guilty of a crime and death of a friend. Actually, the main conspirators, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, met in Fort Benning during the course of the young soldier of the US Army. However, his friend was not killed as it was said in the film. His co-conspirator Terry Nichols was sentenced to life in prison (Oklahoma City Bombing). These facts show the difference between film and history of the terrorist attack in the Unites Stated of America.

Terrorist attacks are a serious threat to the life and health of society. Terrorists are capturing various types of sectors, including government sectors, health, and food, as well as commercial sectors. To achieve their goals, they use different types of weapons and various means. Often, the actions of terrorists lead to serious injuries as well as death. The number of victims depends on the purpose since sometimes terrorists are not interested in people but institutions. The film Arlington Road that told about the cases of terrorism was shot based on the real facts. Thus, it told about the true history of Ruby Ridge as well as the Oklahoma City bombing. The viewers can observe the correct period of the incident as well as the terrorist himself. However, there was not true information about the terrorists friend. To see the detail, a person has to read and study the documents and materials about that period before watching the movie.

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