Avoidance of Bad Eating Habits

Proper nutrition is one of the most important means of supporting health. Food an individual consumes influences his/her wellness, performance in the workplace, mental and physical development as well as life expectancy. Sound sleep, stable mood, mental and physical well-being, beautiful figure and skin are all the result of proper diet. Food a person eats is the source of energy that his/her body spends in the process of its life allowing body cells and tissues to be renewed. The healthier the food people consume, the faster their bodies are regenerated. That is why healthy eating is so significant for everyone. On the contrary, bad eating habits contribute to many of the health issues that are affecting people today. There are a few ways to avoid and fight them and, as a consequence, improve overall health condition and quality of life.

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To begin with, haste and lack of time to eat properly are frequent reasons to skip breakfast. Meanwhile, the morning meal is a “supplier” of energy that improves memory and promotes better concentration. Therefore, breakfast is especially important for schoolchildren and people who need to focus on work, think quickly and make decisions. The best food to have for breakfast includes vegetables and fruits, muesli and juice, cheese, yogurt, milk, and eggs. In order to have appetite to eat nutritious breakfast in the morning, it is advisable not to have dinner later than six o’clock in the evening.

Secondly, one has to remember that a large amount of salt is hazardous to health, and it leads to the development of osteoporosis, kidney disease, and hypertension. Moreover, salt retains water in the body which leads to obesity that in turn increases load on the heart. In addition, the consumption of too much salt results in high blood pressure. Consequently, people who eat a lot of salt should eat foods with high levels of magnesium and potassium as they “fight” with sodium. Products rich in potassium include cocoa, almonds, peanuts, raisins, green onions, apricots, peaches, and carp. Magnesium can be found in dried fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, millet, wheat bran, apples, and wild rose. Additionally, individuals who are accustomed to eating salty foods need to gradually reduce the amount of salt consumed and replace it with natural seasonings, which will make dishes taste more delicious. Canned vegetables can be replaced with frozen or fresh.

In addition, a person cannot live without water, and every day an organism needs at least 1.5 liters of liquid. But it is also important to pay attention to what liquid it is. In particular, sweet carbonated beverages contain too many harmful substances to make them one’s regular companions. It is better to replace them with mineral non-carbonated water. In order to improve the taste of mineral water, an individual can add natural lemon juice or mint leaves, as well as any fresh juices. The latter, by the way, are also much more useful than soda water, because they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.

Next fact that is worth considering is that in stressful situations, many people consume a lot of sweet things not realizing that they cause damage to their health. More specifically, sugar causes obesity, problems in the endocrine system, diseases of the joints and spine, and pressure disturbance. Therefore, in stressful situations, a person needs to try to control his/her emotions and desires. It is advisable to learn to deal with problems by listening to music, watching positive films, and talking with close people. If it is hard for an individual not to eat something sweet, he/she should replace candy and cake with a handful of dried fruits or a spoon of honey. These products will not do harm; on the contrary, they will saturate the body with the necessary energy. If nothing helps, and a person is not able to cope with stress in his/her own, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. A competent psychologist will tell the right way to solve the problem without using sweets as an antidepressant.

Moreover, it is necessary to forget the fried food that is usually difficult to refuse. Unfortunately, the taste buds are arranged so that they often long for the most harmful meals. However, the passion for such dishes including the fried ones invariably leads to serious health problems. In particular, excessive consumption of fried food significantly increases the levels of lipids and cholesterol in the blood which results in the development of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to a large number of fats, there is one more major drawback of fried dishes that lies in the complete absence of vitamins. During thermal treatment, vitamins A, C, and E which are the main antioxidants are destroyed. Thus, it is recommended that fried dishes should be replaced by stewed, boiled or baked in foil meals. They are no less delicious and, at the same time, useful as they store useful substances that are destroyed during the process of frying.

To continue, from time to time, it is advisable to fast. By following the rules and diet, an individual can achieve remarkable positive results, cleanse his/her body from toxins and lose extra pounds. Unloading days are beneficial as the digestive system can have a rest from being forced to digest much food every day including the dishes that are harmful. At the same time, a person trains his/her willpower necessary to fight food temptation. The fact that the body cleanses means the decrease of the risk of an allergy, improvement of skin condition and reduction of the risk of gallbladder and liver diseases. Metabolic processes in the body are also improved which leads to weight loss. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that such measures can be taken only after consultation with a doctor.

Lastly, one should make an effort to have rational diet. Undoubtedly, the habit of eating properly will not be enrooted in one day. In fact, this requires at least a few months, and maybe more. Proper nutrition should be not only moderate and regular but also diverse, that is, to include all those products of plant and animal origin which contain essential compounds. In this regard, in order to strengthen the health of children and adults, it is necessary not only to eat regularly but also to enhance their diet. To be specific, it is best to eat 4 times a day as it will help maintain normal metabolism. In the beginning, it will not be easy, but then one will be proud of himself/herself when they start to feel better and look more attractive. Many people are used to assessing the quality of dishes in terms of taste, smell and external attractiveness. Unfortunately, they do not take into account the presence of nutrients in meals, and the ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Thus, rational nutrition helps to avoid such mistakes.

To sum up, bad eating habits cause a lot of health issues that sometimes require a long-term treatment. However, there are a few ways to avoid them following the rules of healthy eating that are not as complicated as it seems. Firstly, due to the correct approach to cooking and avoidance of fried dishes, the risk of diseases is significantly reduced. Secondly, people should try to consume less salt and sugar that may cause a number of diseases. Thirdly, rational nutrition should become a part of a healthy lifestyle, a good permanent habit, not a temporary one. Fasting and drinking enough water help to cleanse the organism and improve metabolism. Following the mentioned above pieces of advice will help one improve health condition and quality of life.

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